Consumers want to know exactly what they are getting when they spend their hard earned money. Unfortunately, many technology insurance providers are less than transparent when selling you coverage. They have hidden fees, undocumented policies and other undisclosed information that you may not realize until you need to use the coverage. Smart Tech is as transparent as it gets. We post our Membership Agreement and other important documents on our website for you to review at anytime. You always know exactly what you are getting with us. Nothing more, nothing less.
In a world where technology keeps us connected to family, friends, work and just about anything else our hearts desire, it seems that time is never on our side. When there is never enough hours in the day to begin with, we know that the last thing you want to deal with is a long, drawn out, over complicated process no matter the reason. Our processes have been developed with you in mind. From the enrollment process to the claims process to transferring coverage to a new device you can rest assured that it will be quick and easy. We know you value your time, and we do too.
We can probably agree in many industries service has gone to the wayside in favor of volume. We have held true to our belief that by providing exceptional service it will lead to volume. By keeping service at the center of our business we have became one of the largest technology coverage providers, but you can always count on us focusing on your individual needs. Exceptional service is something we will never compromise on. Period.
Now, more than ever, the economic climate has forced consumers to become smarter with their finances. Smart Tech believes that offering great service is just the beginning of creating long term customer relationships. Offering a fair price that can truly be afforded by a majority of people is not only smart business, it is our way of saying “Thank You” to the people that support us each and every day.
During one of our research studies, more than 92% of people surveyed said that they expect any given company to make a mistake or not deliver as promised. Only 18% said that in their dealings with a company that did not perform to their expectations did the company make an effort to make the situation right. As you can imagine, 100% of those people said they were very unlikely to use that company again or recommend that company to a friend. While we strive every single day to ensure the highest standard of service, we know that while it will be a very rare occurrence, one day we may not meet your expectations. If that ever does happen, rest assured that we will take any and all appropriate steps to make the situation right in any way we can. It’s not just because we strive to be perfect, it’s because it is the right thing to do.
Our goal is to uncomplicate device protection so it works for you. Our top rated customer service, easy online claims, and comprehensive was created with you in mind.
We believe placing claim limits on our customers is complicated and outdated. We decided to mix things up! That's why all of our plans feature unlimited claims.
Sliding scale deductibles are confusing, expensive, and lead to surprising extra costs. We created our plans with low flat rate replacement fees so you never have to worry about overpaying.
Our repair centers are company owned and operated, staffed by certified technicians, to ensure a quality repair every time.